Saturday, 22 December 2012

The Sunday Challenge

So following on from my post yesterday about resolutions, I've really been thinking about plans. Not necessarily for the future, but plans for the day. If there's one thing I hate doing its planning things because I'm extremely impulsive and I end up flit around like an erratic moth; never content with just staying in the same place.

But yes, anyway, plans. Or, at least 'the plan', which I'm initiating tomorrow (ugh, later today), will be to actually get off my arse and do things. Mainly things that I said I would do like work on my novella and the like. So I'm actually going to document my day and see how well I can carry out these five things:

  • Read the entirety of Coraline by Neil Gaiman (FYI, I'm 32/185 pages through)
  • Make a list of all my reading for next semester (INCLUDING links to where I can buy the books)
  • Start a few fiction pieces (at least two) from ideas I've written down.
  • Watch a movie/listen to an album (in its entirety) that I've been putting off
  • Drink my way through this list.
  • Write another blog post. 
I've been meaning to do something like this for a while but frankly, unless I vocalise it for myself, I never seem to get round to doing things. As an extrovert I have to think out loud and manifest my thoughts in a physical way; moving my hands in exaggerated ways is one of them.

So now, as I'm looking through this list, I'm wondering whether its actually going to be a challenge. Will I be able to jump out of bed exploding with energy at the thought of completing something? 

Most likely I'll be groggy and tired. But what the hell, here goes!

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