At 3AM I rose from bed and tried to tip-toe across the croaky stairs. I gathered some snacks (Roses chocolate that my friend Amy bought) and crept back up. It took me a minute to fully realise why I got up in the first place and then I think 'oh boy...' and my hands begin to act on instinct.
Have you ever read a book that has felt like your nicotine, that warm feeling that returns, that place it brings you to whether bright, dark, brilliant or malevolent? When you turn the pages and forget the numbers and the text is rolling off the page into your imagination, manifesting itself into the shapes its describing? I ask because it feels like everytime this happens its been a long time for this epic moment to be rediscovered. Once you finish a book, trilogy, series - whatever, for me it feels like this feeling is never going to be reproduced. Well, in essence thats pretty true since each story leaves its own distinct mark, I guess. But that pageturner, the book you want to finish so bad but never want to escape from, that feeling of a writer using you as a harp and plucking your brain like a professional. Its fucking amazing, isn't it? Well, it seems I've finally found it again.
The Hunger Games is something my friends avidly tried to introduce me to. I'd heard it mentioned a few times before but I usually like for me to go to the book. I feel some kind of intrusion when a book is slammed in my face and I'm forced to read it. But after the berating died down, I went to the University library and picked up the first book along with Dear Fatty by Dawn French & The Importance of Being Earnest & Other Plays by Oscar Wilde (for Salome).
I dumped the books in a pile next to my bed and left them there for most of the day. I usually find it nigh impossible to read during the day due to being easily distracted by any person in my vicinity. So before bed I pick it up, read a few pages and drift off to sleep. The next day, I think 'I'll read a chapter'. And by the time I've uttered those words its all kicked off and I noticed I've read around 100 pages in one sitting.
I've managed this feat before as well; The Otori Trilogy by Lian Hearn (seriously guys, absolutely fantastic) & the critically acclaimed Harry Potter series by Rowling have lured me in and left me dazed and confused when I snapped back to reality.
But one feat tonight was when I gasped loudly. I won't say why or when, I don't want to spoil it, but I held my hand over my mouth and read, and read, and read. I shouted out 'No! No!', (my eyes twitching frantically) and that 'Yes! Fuck you!' part happened too (well, in my head. The neighbours would NOT appreciate that at this hour.).
That feeling just got me up at 3:00AM after I wanted to fall asleep. Its a powerful feeling - knowing that people can be absorbed in your tales. That you can spin something so real and powerful is incredible, but also incredibly frightening. I forgot how much I loved that feeling. And for now, I've got it for that bit longer.
I'm hoping it lasts past tomorrow. I guess that's optimistic.